How Men Can Stay Fashionable on a Budget

How Men Can Stay Fashionable on a Budget

Unless you are pulling in massive funds, then you might need to set a budget for your shopping trips.  Trends are forever changing and can be difficult to keep up with – making looking good an expensive experience.  We’ve listed below some top tips as to how you can stay fashionable on a budget.

Look at your Existing Wardrobe

The first thing that you should do is have a look at what you currently have in your wardrobe.  Make sure that you clear out what you don’t need – and look at all of the accessories that you have.  You can even try some of your older clothes on and see how you feel. You never know – you might end up finding something that comes back in style, fashion tends to come full circle.

Research Products and Deals

Don’t just go to the high street and buy the first pair of jeans or shoes that you see – make sure you do your research.  There are lots of online resources at your disposal that will help you do this. You can even check out e-commerce sites that specialize in certain types of clothes and accessories where you may get better discounts.  For example, if you are looking for a pair of new shoes – why not test the search engines for offers on Chelsea boots, or men’s brogues to see what kind of deals you can get if you find that you need a certain style.  The more specific you are, the more likely Google will find you the perfect match. Also, see if there are any coupon or promotional codes available for that specific site.  

Fix What You Have

It’s really easy to simply replace an item if it’s broken rather than actually trying to fix it if it’s salvageable.  It could be that you have a hole in a great pair of jeans. Instead of rushing away to go and buy a new pair – why not get a needle and thread out and try and fix them yourself?  They probably cost you a lot of money at the time, so don’t splash out until you have to.

Refresh and Customise

It could be that when you are going through your wardrobe that you find a lot of clothes that don’t have anything wrong with them but are perhaps just not as stylish anymore.  They don’t need to be past their best yet. If it’s jeans for example – why not add a few rips in them to bring them back up to speed – or maybe adjust the sizing or fit of them to make them more on trend?  Think outside the box – and you could have a brand-new wardrobe just by making the most of what you currently have.

Rent Clothes as an Option

If you are going through your wardrobe hunting down clothes for a fancy event – remember renting is also an option, you don’t need to buy.  This will mean a lot less outlay in terms of cost, and you will still arrive at your event looking great. Alternatively, if you have some great tuxedo’s or luxury clothes – you could make some money by renting them out yourself.  

Get Social

There’s no doubt that there will be some celebrity or friend that you think has great dress sense – start to pay more attention to what other people wear.  In a world where social media is now King, have a look at the likes of Instagram or Pinterest for some inspiration or ideas. Etsy is another place that is perfect for fashion ideas.  If you find something that you really like – you will want to wear it over and over, rather than having to constantly buy new items. When talking about Etsy, you can not only buy things but also sell. It is one of the biggest online marketplaces for handmade goods, and it is an ideal place for creative individuals to sell items that they’ve designed, made, or sewn. However, selling on Etsy isn’t easy. You need to know how to set up your shop, what items to make, how to make them, and how to set yourself apart from the competition. In addition, here are some tips to be successful on Etsy.

See Also

Download Relevant Fashion Apps

It’s always a good idea to get some outside advice.  There are lots of great apps out there these days, where you can upload your wardrobe – and the app will give you suggestions on what options you have based on your existing items.  Effectively, it’s like having your very own personal stylist at the touch of your fingertips. You are bound to find some ideas you have never thought of before.

Get Selling your Old Stuff

It could be that you find clothes that you simply just don’t like anymore.  If that’s the case – then there’s no need to simply get rid of them, you can sell them on.  There are loads of ways that you could do this including local buy and sell groups on Facebook, and on eBay.  You will most likely be surprised about the level of interest you will get.

If you are looking to remain fashionable but, on a budget, hopefully, these handy tips will help out.  

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