Summertime is Fun Time with Kool-Aid and Country Time Starters

Kool-aid and Country Time Starters

**Disclosure: “Sponsored post by Lunchbox.”**

Summertime is Fun Time with Kool-Aid and Country Time Starters

Summertime can be more awesome with Kool-Aid and Country Time Starters.  When summer comes we start to think of picnics, the playground, camping, poolside family get-togethers and more. Some of my biggest memories are going to my Grandma and Grandpa Ryan’s house where there was always a pitcher of ice cold Country Time lemonade.  It didn’t matter what time of the year it was, it was always special and I always looked forward to it.

Kool-aid and Lemonade do not have to be just a summertime treat.  Kids will love it all year round, as well as adults.  If that isn’t exciting enough you can now go to the Kool-aid & Country Time Lemonade site and create your own never-ending summer card.

kool-aid oh yeah



Now Kool-aid and Country Time Lemonade come in easy, convenient squeeze bottles.  Each container makes 6 quarts or 3 pitchers.  All you need it water and your favorite container.  Easy to travel with or stick in your cooler. You can go to your local Walmart and find these in the drink mixes area.

Kool-aid and Country Time  Lemonade Starters at Walmart

See Also

The Kool-aid Starter comes in the following flavors:

  • Grape
  • Cherry
  •  Tropical Punch.

If you are a Country Time lemonade fan you can choose from the following flavors:

  • Half Lemonade and Half Iced Tea
  • Country Time Berry Lemonade
  • Country Time Classic Lemonade
Ecard I created
My creations from the Walmart Kool-aid & Country Time Lemonade ecard site.

Before your next gathering don’t forget to stop by Walmart and grab all six Kool-aid and Country Time Starters!  You will be the hit of the party!!


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