Family Baking Can Create the Best Memories

The best memories can be baking with the ones you love.

I have so many memories of when I was a little girl. ย They span from some I think I was told about and ones I actually remember but sometimes the lines are blurred. The memories I am sure I remember are those with my Grandma Ryan, my Grandma Mullen, my Mom, my daughter and even my granddaughter.

Both of my grandmas were wonderful bakers. ย Don’t get me wrong they knew their way around the kitchen when it came to cooking. ย Some of my best memories happened around their kitchen tables. When it came to baking, though, there are not many that have surpassed them.

grandma ryan image

My Grandma Ryan always made the best pies, cookies, and cakes. ย Ok, she made the best everything desserts. ย It didn’t matter what it was, it was great. ย From helping measure ingredients, to licking the beaters, and possibly decorating (especially at Christmas).

danny and i beaters
My cousin and I licking beaters at my Grandma ย  ย Ryan’s back in 1970

But there were rules. No licking your fingers, not too many silver balls as they hurt Grandpa’s dentures, and do not overdo on the sprinkle toppings, as less is more.

grandma mullen birthday1

My Grandma Mullen always had cookies on hand and if she reached in her freezer you knew they would be frosted. ย It was like she was always ready for a visitor to stop by. She also always colored some of her frosting for Christmas cookies, something that we didn’t do at home. One of my fondest memories was when she made a Maple Walnut Cake, with Maple Walnut frosting. ย I spent the whole weekend and we ate the whole 9×13 pan.

Those are just some of the memories I have of baking with each one of them.ย  My Mom always said her pies or desserts were, โ€œnot as good as your Grandma Ryanโ€, but I have always disagreed.ย  She makes the BEST strawberry shortcake, strawberry rhubarb pies, Chocolate Mayonaise cake, and trifles. She also had a fabulous easy peach cobbler recipe that was simple enough for the kids to help with but tasted delicious!ย  I could keep going on but I think you know where I am coming from.

abbey making cookies

See Also

Then the tradition carried itself down to my daughter. ย When she was younger she would bake cookies with me and cakes. ย There was one time I remember we doubled the recipe for Snickerdoodles and it felt like we were baking forever. ย So much so she decided she was done and went off to play. ย Now that she is older we have our annual baking Christmas cookie cut-outs. ย She used to help me with cutting them out. Now she stirs them up, cuts them out and bakes them. ย All I have to do is frost them and she decorates. ย If we are lucky we get her brothers, her Dad, sister-in-law and niece and do it as a family.

Emma baking

Now that I have a granddaughter I have tried to make memories with her. ย She loves to roll out the dough for biscuits and really loves to help frost cakes or eat the frosting.

Even if baking or cooking aren’t your “thing” I am sure you can find things to do to make memories with your family. ย Or even think of something from when you were a child that you remember and try to recreate that with your children and allow them to carry that on.

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